We have a zero-tolerance approach to brand fraud, and so we feel it’s important to warn you about scam online shops, or malicious websites, and to advise you to be vigilant. If in doubt, always contact us. Unfortunately, there are some fake online shops that have copied the look of the Hanwag website, using the same logos, images and font style. So at first glance, it can be hard to distinguish them as a scam site.
How can I tell if it’s a fake online shop?
Feel unsure about whether this online shop that’s selling Hanwag footwear is an officially recognised retailer? Does it not look like the real deal somehow? Are the products almost worryingly cheap? Does the text contain several spelling mistakes? Does it not have a proper legal notice?
In such cases, please contact our Customer Service team, to make absolutely sure that it’s a real site, or to report a fake online store. To do this, click on the ‘Submit a request’ button and include a link to the website in question or a screen shot of the page.
We will then respond to your request as fast as possible and determine whether an act of fraud has occurred and will then take action against the scam shop, with all the means at our disposal, and have it closed down. Unfortunately, we cannot influence how long this process takes.